Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Fruit" is good.

When your mamma said "stay away from bad apples," this is what she meant. Torri C. is next level.

Some "fruit" servings.

Dayhana B.'s mixed fruit composition. Such a variety of well used colors.

"The claw."

Torri C. and her masterful use of color to create a fun filled lively drawing.

A few more drawings from students attending GVHS

Lots of detail and value by Jeremy G. His own creation for "alien."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Do ya hear me?

Zoey D. does not need her models to face her. She is that good.

More "ears"

Torri C. says that this person is no one in particular, so stop asking.

Check out these "ears"

Dayhana B. rendered some guy who really is "all ears."

my honorable mention

I really enjoy how witty this drawing by Jeremy G. of a "vehicle" is. I hope that you can see all the text and facial details.

Vehicle #2

Erin W. with a classic vehicle. Done in all ink.

In no particular order, posts from GVHS students

For "vehicle" Torri C. proved she can draw extreme sports too.